You can read the article here; Israeli Air Force conducts a drill against an alien attack
In 1938 there was a social experiment conducted on the American people, a radio was reading from the war of the worlds and the entire nation went into chaos.
Ronald Raegan mentioned in 6 different speeches about how fast our differences would disappear if the world would unite under an alien threat
Former president Clinton said it too... (Minute 2:40)
There is also nasa's blue beam project which will take a big part in the deception, you can read more about the stages of this project and it's purpose here;
If you haven't heard, our earth is 100% flat and not a spinning ball as we have been taught, if you are about to close this page and laughing believe me as strange as it may sound it is true and supported by quite a bit of evidence, actually more evidence than you would even imagine in your wildest dreams.
Watch the following video, see for yourself and then read on.
We have been lied to for centuries and the truth is coming out, the flat earth movement is exploding and people spreading the truth like wildfire.
Nasa, Space-x and other space agencies are all fake, they are all cooperating under their free masonry cult club, they have been creating fake video footage and photos since nasa's foundation which by the way consisted of word war 2 nazis. the nazis never lost the war they moved to America.
1500 nazi elite were smuggled from Germany through Boston into USA, research operation paper clip.
So OK you might be asking, lets say for a moment the earth is flat and not a ball, who cares? what difference does it make?
A flat world of difference! First of all, if our earth is a plane and not a "planet" it kicks out the random chance out of the window together with evolution and big bang, all you are left with is intelligent creation.
By convincing most of the population that we are living on a spinning ball they took out God out of the picture and replaced it with natural random evolution which has nothing to do with God.
So this is a spiritual battle in nature as everything else is.
Hollywood has taken a huge part in pushing and brainwashing the masses with their science fiction movies together with endless shows, books, comics and what not, all these to promote the possibility that we are not alone in the universe and there is the possibility that life exists on other planets.
Well, the problem here is that there is no such thing as outer space, there are no planets(stars are lights fixed in the firmament as it's described in Genesis), there are no galaxies, these are all made up by free masons and demonic worshipers to deceive the population.
Our earth is in fact a flat plane with a closed dome system above us with all the celestial bodies in their fixed position(you can see the same star constellations for thousands of years, this would be impossible if we are moving through galaxies for thousands or millions of years as they claim)
In the following illustration you can see the biblical description of earth and how our earth is built in reality;
In the book of Genesis it is described how our earth is fixed in place and is covered by a firmament that has water above it and water beneath it.
That's right our earth is completely closed by water from all direction, that water has never disappeared, it is still there which renders the space and universe theory no more than a lie.
Above us is the heavenly realm where God and his kingdom dwell.
Some day in the future both the heavenly and the earthly realm will be connected and the gates opened to travel freely into infinity but until then we are closed and cannot leave anywhere.
So you see nasa has been lying to everyone, they have never been to the moon because the moon is not a big sphere 300,000+ kilometers away but a celestial semi transparent/translucent luminous object, you can sometimes see stars shining through the moon like in this photo:
The moon landing is 100% fake, all of it was shot in a studio.
Notice how nasa rockets always go in an arc instead of straight up:
nasa and space exploration in general is the biggest lie ever played on the American people and the world, billions of tax payers money went into funding nazi freemason elites who build underground bunkers and expand their satanic empire to prepare for the world domination they have been planning for thousands of years, however what they don't know is that judgement is near and God will not put up with this for much longer, he will let them create the last final great deception on earth which brings me the to the main point of this article.
A fake alien invasion, sounds stupid, crazy, unthinkable, science fiction right?
Well lets weigh the evidence we have thus far and see if such a thing may actually be feasible and why would they even bother doing it?
As I mentioned earlier in this article Hollywood has been playing a major role into expanding the science fiction and the possibility of life on other planets and it is not just fun, there is an agenda here, first of all of course to take people away from God by the possibility of random chance, evolution/big bang but also to prepare the mass public to what may come very soon, a fake alien invasion.
Look how much nasa has been pushing the mars agenda recently, they claim they have found water on mars, great so now there is the possibility that there is water on other planets and life may have developed just like on ours right?
At the same time a movie is coming out called "the martian" with Matt Damon, which deals with life on mars and nasa even admitted that the movie is in correlation with the mars mission, so it is not hard to see that Hollywood is taking a big part in this deception and working together with nasa on this brainwashing lie.
Also movies like independence day, war of the worlds and many others do a great job of grabbing the people's attention for a possibility of alien life and conditioning them to a future alien invasion on the subconscious level, so when and if something like that truly happens they will accept it because they have seen it before, it is subconscious programming.
The scenario is probably going to unfold as follows;
Enormous space ships(which are built in remote areas guarded away from public eyes) invade earth and appear in every place on earth simultaneously
Since our earth is flat and surrounded by the arctic ice 360 degrees and guarded by the arctic treaty since the 1950's there is a good reason to believe that these mega ships, robots, mechs and what not are developed in secret military bases in the antarctic.
If you want to learn more about the antarctic treaty visit:
So it will seem like earth is invaded from space at the same time from all directions, there will be confusion and panic, people will be terrified and most likely this first encounter will be a hostile one and extremely aggressive which inevitably will push all governments to unite against their fake threat and create a one world government just like in the movie independence day, this invasion will be the largest false flag operation ever conceived in history.
There will be chaos in the streets, wars all over the earth
alien creatures(fallen angels in disguise) will be everywhere attacking those who don't have God's seal on them, they will abuse people and do horrible things to them, it will be hell on earth.
Many will lose faith, even strong believers faith will be seriously in doubt, they will simply not be able to connect the dots together and it will be too late to search anything on the internet because the internet will be under complete government control, world wide martial law will be in place, this will be a time when people's faith will be challenged, there will be those who know the truth, those who will preach and try to warn people that these are demonic entities who's job and purpose is to torment and test people's faith, those who will not fall for the deception and still keep their faith and shall not seize praying will be protected, the ones with God's seal on them.
This is probably the time when the plagues of revelation will begin and soon to follow judgement.
I know you probably must be thinking, this is like out of a science fiction movie, this could never happen.
If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, it is already happening, just the fact that nasa pulled off such a world wide scam for so long is just the tip of the ice and how Hollywood and nasa together cultivating the possibility of alien life some where else makes it very likely that something like a fake alien invasion is not too far fetched, remember that at the end of the day it is a battle for souls, satan does not care about anything but to deceive as many as possible and prevent them from inheriting eternal life because he knows his life is coming to an end and so does his legions of fallen angels.
we are mere puppets to the elite masters who pull the strings in this world, disposable slaves that can be manipulated and controlled to the masters will, we are garbage to them, we are not even considered human but God will deal with these evil doers soon enough, he will dispose of such people like one disposes of a dead carcass.
Be prepared for anything, time is short and the spiritual awakening that is happening across the earth tells me God is waking up his elect before the final act of human history begins, there is work to do, so much work, warn others and keep searching for the truth.
Peace and love
This is probably the time when the plagues of revelation will begin and soon to follow judgement.
I know you probably must be thinking, this is like out of a science fiction movie, this could never happen.
If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, it is already happening, just the fact that nasa pulled off such a world wide scam for so long is just the tip of the ice and how Hollywood and nasa together cultivating the possibility of alien life some where else makes it very likely that something like a fake alien invasion is not too far fetched, remember that at the end of the day it is a battle for souls, satan does not care about anything but to deceive as many as possible and prevent them from inheriting eternal life because he knows his life is coming to an end and so does his legions of fallen angels.
we are mere puppets to the elite masters who pull the strings in this world, disposable slaves that can be manipulated and controlled to the masters will, we are garbage to them, we are not even considered human but God will deal with these evil doers soon enough, he will dispose of such people like one disposes of a dead carcass.
Be prepared for anything, time is short and the spiritual awakening that is happening across the earth tells me God is waking up his elect before the final act of human history begins, there is work to do, so much work, warn others and keep searching for the truth.
Peace and love
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