You must be wondering, what this means?
Well here's the thing, many people pray for miracles, they pray for healing, for their loved ones or themselves, they pray for wealth, they pray for blessing on their new home, or they pray for a new job. but most of the time, miracles happen in the most unexpected ways, what do I mean by that? for example, lets say a person is having a terrible illness or a bunch of them, and that person has been praying for years, to Yawheh the father for healing, but healing does not come, did God not answer? not necessarily, he may have answered to that person numerous times but that person did not keep his eyes and ears open for the signs, and God works in very subtle signs, it's just how he is, so the person with the illness is waiting for a supernatural healing while all those years the answer came many times in many forms with people who tried to help, or an article that the person stumbled by mistake(guided by the spirit) or a book some one recommended to the person with illness, but the person simply dismissed everything and kept praying for a miraculous healing.
Now don't get me wrong, God heals people miraculously all the time, it happens all over the world BUT, for the most part he wants us to work, whether on our own health, wealth, wisdom or spiritual understanding, imagine Noah telling God, Lord, you are all powerful, I pray that this Ark will build itself by a miracle, but God would tell him, no Noah, you must build it yourself, I'm not going to do the work for you.
And it's like that all throughout scripture, every one was working, God will not fill your head with Biblical knowledge, you must pick up the book, and read through it's pages while he is guiding you in the spirit with understanding of it's meaning, same goes for healing, if God is not healing you miraculously then you must take matters in your own hands and keep praying and seeking knowledge.
I like the saying, God helps those who help themselves, it is so true, besides what is the point if God would just do all the work for us? we would be lazy, unproductive and completely incapable of anything but nagging the father for help, that is not what he wants, God wants independent, strong, hard working Torah observant servants that he will bless and give them authority in his kingdom over many things. (Revelation 2:26)
I write this from my own experience as I feel that people are praying for help but they refuse it when it comes in ways that are strange to them, such as in the form of information on how to heal one self by natural means, it's too bad because if people would be more open minded they would discover so much more than they ever expected, and be blessed beyond their wildest dreams. Pride is a terrible thing, which is why God hates it so much, it ruins the person and causes so much suffering.
Keep your heart soft, your mind unlocked and your eyes wide open for a miraculous opportunity and never seize praying, because God is always good and he always answers.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
What is sin? and does the law of God (torah) still in effect today?
Absolutely yes! God's law is still in effect, it is true that we cannot keep all of the 613 mosaic laws today because many of them has to do with the temple and a law abiding government both which we don't have but there are at least 200 or so laws that we can keep, as I'm learning more about Yeshua's teachings I realize that he constantly addressed the importance to keep the Torah, it is by keeping it one can come truly closer to God and serve him in fullness just like our messiah did, we can walk just as he walked, in truth and meekness.
Unfortunately in today's main stream Christianity it is taught that Yeshua fulfilled the law for us so we don't have to, that is a dangerous teaching, because it puts the believer in a situation of constantly sinning many times even without being aware of it. Messiah said, if you love me keep my commandments, John 14:15, it was God the father who was speaking through the messiah throughout his ministry, we know that because Yeshua tells us "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me." John 7:16 Yeshua constantly addressed sin and how one must repent and turn away from it which brings me to my next point.
There cannot be sin If there is no law because sin is the transgression(breaking) of the law, so essentially not keeping the law is sinning against it. it's like breaking the laws of traffic, if there is no law there is nothing to break, but if there is a law then you must keep it, or otherwise you end up getting a ticket or worse losing your drivers license.
Saying we don't need to keep the law of God is just way of saying, we don't need to make sure we don't sin any more because, Messiah got our back, he did it all for us... but this makes zero sense because what does Yeshua saves us from? that's right, from sin! which is a transgression against the law... so how can he save us from sin if sin does no exist? (remember sin and the law are intertwined)so no matter how you look at it, there is no way in the world the law is done away with.
What God considered sin back then is also what he considers sin today, God does not change his opinion about sin, it is what it is, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Consider the following words from messiah himself: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law(Torah) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17From the words of Yeshua himself, he explains that he did not come to cancel the law or the prophecies about him, but to fulfill, which means to keep, there is no place in scripture that messiah says otherwise, sadly today most Christians argue and use Paul's teachings completely out of context and claim he is saying that the law is no longer relevant, they like to use Romans 6 especially, but when you read the next chapter Romans 7 Paul explains that the law is good and is holy, and besides we should first take our authority from Yeshua and then compare any other teaching to what Yeshua taught, not the other way around like people do with Romans and Paul.
Here's another point for thought, ever heard some one say, I was a sinner, but then I believed and repented from sin?
Many times you hear people say this, but how can they have repented from sin if the law no longer abides which they have sinned against in the first place? you must have a law to sin against, it cannot be any other way.
If you are not keeping the Torah but simply "believing" I urge you to start learning and praying about this, as it is not enough to just say "I believe" and go on with your day, you must live, breath and love God and his laws, just like Yeshua our messiah did.
I am myself a new Torah believer, and I learn slowly as I go but the more I learn the more I understand that the law of God is about protection, care for his children and tremendous love, he does not burden us with mindless commandments like many religions and cults do, but every commandment in the Torah has a purpose, there is a huge blessing in it for all man kind, nothing like the Torah anywhere in the world.
I will end with this verse from Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua.
Saying we don't need to keep the law of God is just way of saying, we don't need to make sure we don't sin any more because, Messiah got our back, he did it all for us... but this makes zero sense because what does Yeshua saves us from? that's right, from sin! which is a transgression against the law... so how can he save us from sin if sin does no exist? (remember sin and the law are intertwined)so no matter how you look at it, there is no way in the world the law is done away with.
What God considered sin back then is also what he considers sin today, God does not change his opinion about sin, it is what it is, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Consider the following words from messiah himself: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law(Torah) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17From the words of Yeshua himself, he explains that he did not come to cancel the law or the prophecies about him, but to fulfill, which means to keep, there is no place in scripture that messiah says otherwise, sadly today most Christians argue and use Paul's teachings completely out of context and claim he is saying that the law is no longer relevant, they like to use Romans 6 especially, but when you read the next chapter Romans 7 Paul explains that the law is good and is holy, and besides we should first take our authority from Yeshua and then compare any other teaching to what Yeshua taught, not the other way around like people do with Romans and Paul.
Here's another point for thought, ever heard some one say, I was a sinner, but then I believed and repented from sin?
Many times you hear people say this, but how can they have repented from sin if the law no longer abides which they have sinned against in the first place? you must have a law to sin against, it cannot be any other way.
If you are not keeping the Torah but simply "believing" I urge you to start learning and praying about this, as it is not enough to just say "I believe" and go on with your day, you must live, breath and love God and his laws, just like Yeshua our messiah did.
I am myself a new Torah believer, and I learn slowly as I go but the more I learn the more I understand that the law of God is about protection, care for his children and tremendous love, he does not burden us with mindless commandments like many religions and cults do, but every commandment in the Torah has a purpose, there is a huge blessing in it for all man kind, nothing like the Torah anywhere in the world.
I will end with this verse from Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua.
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