"Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say."
Hollywood is making sure that each year a good number of alien movies come out to keep the alien agenda hot and alive in the minds of people.
Then the media is also making sure that people don't forget that we are about to make contact...
Make no mistake, it is coming, we will make contact, but it will not be aliens but demonic spirits mascaraing as aliens from outer space, there will be chaos and confusion and people's faith will be challenged to it's core.
You can read more about the alien invasion in a previous article: http://endtimelog.blogspot.com/2015/10/fake-alien-invasion-last-and-greatest.html
You can read more about the alien invasion in a previous article: http://endtimelog.blogspot.com/2015/10/fake-alien-invasion-last-and-greatest.html